Continuing from yesterday, I will report on the wear of each company's companion. We would like to thank each manufacturer and companion for their co...
Continuing from yesterday, I will report on the wear of each company’s companion. We would like to thank each manufacturer and companion for their cooperation in shooting. The photos include those taken on the second day. On the left of the photo was XEROX, the company logo used at the booth, and the costumes in the same color, especially the ribbon tied in an X shape.
● Electronic organizer, calculator rival confrontation
Since ancient times in the calculator war, costumes of both companies have always been rivals in personal information equipment. Casio and Sharp from the left of the photo. Casio contrasts with the customary see-through layering, and Sharp with a gentle costume.
● Wear with impressive colors
From the left of the photo, DDI POCKET, Astel, Alps. DDI is a white vinyl material + beret. Astel is a yellow vinyl + black belt. The Alps are characterized by the red pants and sun visor.
● Examples of orthodox costumes
From the left, Canon, PFU, American Express. Canon is a classic companion wear with a narrow waist. PFU is mainly a computer for business use, and it is a solid orthodox suit type, and the color is the same as the theme color of the booth. American Express is also a typical example of clothing, and these hats are only seen at show venues.
● People in extra costumes
In terms of a prominent costume, Lululu’s uncle at Astel booth stood out first. The expression is really good. I hope that the economy will improve a little more and that the number of such costumes will increase.
coron's Source - 全国 generated by Nordot
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