Lenovo announced the ThinkPad brand detachable 2in1 ”ThinkPad X12 Detachable“ on January 11th (local time). It is scheduled to go on sale in January ...
Lenovo announced the ThinkPad brand detachable 2in1 ”ThinkPad X12 Detachable“ on January 11th (local time). It is scheduled to go on sale in January and costs $ 1,149.
A model that can be used as a pure tablet by removing the keyboard. In addition to typing input with a backlit folio keyboard, handwriting input using the optional “Lenovo Precision Pen” or “Lenovo Digital Pen” is also possible.
It has a 12.3-inch LCD with Corning gorilla glass and is compatible with both Dolby Vision and Dolby Audio speaker systems.
Compliant with Intel Evo platform, equipped with 11th generation Core processor, Wi-Fi 6. High security is touted by combining the vPro platform, ThinkShield, and Intel Hardware Shield.
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