Exhibiting many keyboards with glide points'96 / 5/8 presentation Standard price: Desktop keyboard with glide point (KB102) 15,800 yen Ir-mul...
Exhibiting many keyboards with glide points
’96 / 5/8 presentation
Standard price:
Desktop keyboard with glide point (KB102) 15,800 yen
Ir-multi station (IR001) 13,800 yen
VideoHighway VTR525 open
(estimated selling price around 40,000 yen)
Contact: Alps Electric Co., Ltd.
Customer Support Center Tel.045-544-8240
Alps Electric Co. , Ltd. exhibited Alps brand products at the same time as the announcement of a separate printer with a scanner. The company was mainly OEM, but it has begun to focus on its own brand products as a result of last year’s MD printers and glide points. Introducing three distinctive products that were on display. These products will also be exhibited at the business show held at Tokyo Big Sight from the 15th.
[Desktop keyboard with glide point] A keyboard
developed by the company and integrated with the pointing device “Glide Point” that is often used in notebook computers. There is only one cable, and it is divided into a keyboard and a mouse connector. With removable palm rest. The array is a US array. Compatible models are DOS / V machines.
[Ir-Multi Station]
Infrared communication unit that supports Saurus compatible ASK method and infrared remote control for TV in addition to IrDA. Connect to RS-232C of PC. You can remotely control your TV or VTR from your PC. As an IrDA unit, file transfer software “TranXit” for communicating with a laptop computer is also attached. Compatible with DOS / V and PC9800.
[Video Highway VTR525] Although it is a
TV tuner and video capture board, it has some features. Supports DOS / V machine ISA bus. Released on May 25th.
- A remote control is attached, and channel operations can be operated like a normal TV.
- Can be installed without a feature connector
- Overlay display with high resolution of 1,240 x 1,024 dots 65,536 colors is possible
- Can also receive FM radio broadcasts
- 320 x 240 dots, can capture up to 30 frames per second
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