For desktops and notebooks, etc. In Japan, only for PowerBook '96 / 5/9 release Apple officially announced defects in its LC 5200, 5300 series, P...
For desktops and notebooks, etc. In
Japan, only for PowerBook
’96 / 5/9 release
Apple officially announced defects in its LC 5200, 5300 series, Performa 6200, 6300 series and PowerBook 190, 5300 series on May 9, local time, and a repair program to repair them free of charge. Was notified to dealers all over the world.
At the same time, the company announced that it would extend the warranty period for the target models even after the end of production. In the case of the United States, if the above problem reoccurs in the relevant model for 7 years after the end of production, free repair will be provided.
[Repair target models]
● Desktop
Power Macintosh 5200/75 LC, 5300/100 LC, Macintosh Performa 5200, 5215, 5300, 6200, 6205, 6214, 6216, 6218, 6220, 6230, 6290, 6300
● PowerBook
PowerBook 5300, 5300c , 5300ce, 5300cs, 190, 190cs
[Problems with desktop machines]
- Unexpected freeze of the system
- Screen color suddenly changes
[Problems with the PowerBook series]
- Poor contact of AC adapter connector (common to all models)
- There is a problem with the strength of the “lid” part that houses the liquid crystal panel, and it may crack.
- System freezes when using PC Card and Media Bay drive at the same time (PowerBook 5300 series)
- It takes time to start the system when using the AC adapter (〃)
- AppleTalk connection is lost (〃)
This repair program will be carried out all over the world at the same time, but the response will be different because the product content is different in each region. When the editorial department interviewed Apple Computer Co. , Ltd. , a Japanese corporation , the following answers were obtained.
● About the Performa 52xx / 53xx / 62xx / 63xx series For the
Performa sold in Japan, the parts that caused it are not used. Also, Mac OS with Open Transport, which is another cause, is not installed in Japan. Therefore, for those sold in Japan, the repair program will not be carried out because the failure rate announced this time is extremely low.
In the unlikely event that it does occur, repair it as usual. If it is within one year after purchase, it will be treated as a free pick-up and delivery service.
● About the PowerBook 190/5300 series The
initial lot of logic board replacement and replacement with the latest version of Mac OS have already been dealt with ahead of the United States, but the lack of strength of the lid is a structural problem, so We will implement the same repair program as in the United States. Other modifications will be made at the same time as the lid is replaced.
Since the start time and procedure have not been decided yet, we will notify the registered users by direct mail as soon as it is decided.
Users of the corresponding PowerBook 190/5300 series should always return the user registration card so that they can receive the repair program.
coron's Source - 全国 generated by Nordot
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