ISDN TA, DSU, INS64 contract, provider contract are all set '96 / 5/15 Presentation held Standard price: ET-6800IP 340,000 yen VT-2000IP 2...
ISDN TA, DSU, INS64 contract, provider contract are all set
’96 / 5/15 Presentation held
Standard price:
ET-6800IP 340,000 yen
VT-2000IP 270,000 yen
ISDN Internet kit 59,800 yen
Epson Direct Co. , Ltd. announced two models of “ISDN Internet Package Model” that package the hardware, software, and contracts required to connect to the Internet via ISDN to the company’s personal computer “Endeavor” series, starting today. Start accepting orders.
Whereas the conventional Internet model of other companies was premised on a modem, and the ISDN model was only provided by TA, this model has an ISDN contract with NTT, a subscription contract with a provider, DSU, and a simple cable kit. Including up to. In addition, the product will be delivered with the TA settings and the telephone number settings for the access point completed.
By the way, TA is Japan Telematic TA777, DSU and Easy Cable Kit are NTT, and Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.0J is attached as a browser. NIS (Network Information Service) has been selected as the provider.
All the user has to do is switch the analog line on hand to the ISDN line, connect the DSU / TA / PC, and enter the password to the network (notified directly from NIS) using the simple cable kit. ..
Epson Direct will notify those who wish to purchase if the area where ISDN cannot be installed or if the telephone number changes. Due to procedures, it is expected that it will take about two weeks for the product to arrive after the order is placed.
From today, the company’s homepage ( has also been released.
- Tower case
- Pentium 166MHz
- 32MB RAM
- Trident TGUI9680XGI Graphic Chip & 2MB RAM
- 8x speed CD-ROM drive
- 15-inch monitor integrated case
- Pentium 133MHz
- 16MB RAM
- S3 Trio64V + graphics chip & 2MB RAM
- 8x speed CD-ROM drive
coron's Source - 全国 generated by Nordot
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