[caption id="attachment_4385" align="aligncenter" width="800"] ThinkBook 16p [/caption] Lenovo announced the 14-inch notebook "ThinkBook 14p" and ...
Lenovo announced the 14-inch notebook “ThinkBook 14p” and 16-inch notebook “ThinkBook 16p” equipped with the latest Ryzen mobile processor on the 12th (US time). It is scheduled to go on sale in the first quarter, starting at $ 849 for the former and $ 1,299 for the latter.
Both are positioned for power users who are particular about performance and display quality for professionals. 14p is a Display HDR True Black compliant 2.8K OLED display, 16p is a 2,560 x 1,600 dot display / X-Rite Pantone certified / calibrated 16-inch Equipped with a display.
In addition, 16p is equipped with the latest GeForce RTX series for mobile, which enables ray tracing, AI, and high-resolution video processing.
It is equipped with a full HD resolution webcam and also has a physical shut-out function by ThinkShutter. It also has a large touchpad, a backlit keyboard, quick access to conference calling keys, and an AI-powered noise-cancelling algorithm.
coron's Source - 全国 generated by Nordot
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