ublished in RTF format on the WWW site '96 / 5/3 released Microsoft Co., Ltd. has released all the information that summarizes the Q & A on s...
ublished in RTF format on the WWW site
’96 / 5/3 released
Microsoft Co., Ltd. has released all the information that summarizes the Q & A on support for its products on its WWW site. Information on the company’s products is covered, from consumer products such as Windows 95 and games to corporate products such as Back Office and development languages.
Taking Windows 95 as an example, it is divided into “setup”, “Plus!”, “General operation”, “network”, and “troubleshooting” items, each of which contains dozens of data. Of course it is a Japanese document. Most of the individual information is on several pages, but the total amount of information is enormous.
A little disappointing is that the data comes in Rich Text File (RTF) format, and you need to download the file and view it in WordPad, Word, etc. It has the advantage that the document can be downloaded in page-up form, but it would have been more convenient if it could be checked as it is on the browser screen in html format.
Also, recent Microsoft pages such as this page use a method of pasting a 1-dot white gif to paint the background white, but when you look at this page with Netscape Navigator 2.0, you turn the page Every time it takes a lot of time. I want to improve it as soon as possible. It should be very easy to fix. Since it is a product support page, care should be taken to ensure that it can be accessed comfortably by as many users as possible.
Although there are some points that I would like to improve, there is no doubt that information can be obtained more easily than the conventional means such as fax services. If you need information about a Microsoft product or have trouble, it’s worth checking out here before making a call.
View official support technical information
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