A dedicated e-mail machine that runs on two AA batteries Announced on April 24, '96 Price: See table belowContact: NEC121 Contact Center Tel.0...
A dedicated e-mail machine that runs on two AA batteries
Announced on April 24, ’96
Price: See table below
Contact: NEC121 Contact Center
NEC will ship the “Mobile Gear” series of dedicated machines mainly for sending and receiving e-mail from May 10th. Two models, a keyboard type and a pen touch type, are available.
Both have a built-in 14.4Kbps modem and can send and receive emails with simple operations. By default, you can access the PC communication services NIFTY-Serve and PC-VAN, and you can perform operations such as outgoing calls, auto login, and sending and receiving emails with a single function key.
Mail data is stored in user memory (keyboard type 650 Kbytes / pen type 600 Kbytes). User memory cannot be expanded. Equipped with a PCMCIA slot (TYPE2 x 1), the contents of user memory can be saved on a flash memory card.
It also has an address book that automatically registers the sender of emails, a simple word processor, and a spreadsheet function. Data created by word processing or spreadsheets can be sent as an email in text or CSV format. Furthermore, if the included “Mobile Gear STATION” is installed on the PC side, the communication function by IrDA and the conversion function between application data such as Excel / Word and TEXT or CSV format are supported.
The keyboard-type key pitch is 16.5 mm, which is comparable to that of a laptop computer, and blind touch is also possible.
It is basically a product for companies, and access software for CC: MAIL, Microsoft Mail, STAR OFFICE, etc. is also available. You can also create your own application using the application development tool “Mobile Gear Development Set” (sold separately).
It seems to be a promising product in the personal market, but it does not support Internet mail (it is possible via PC communication), and the attached software “Mobile Gear STATION” operates only on the PC98 series. It’s a shame that there is a part that makes you feel the old sense of planning.
Approximately the same size as the OASYS Pocket placed on the right
[Mobilegear specifications]
Model name | MC-K1 | MC-P1 |
Input device | keyboard | pen |
Display device | Monochrome STN liquid crystal 640 x 240 dots 4 gradations | Monochrome STN liquid crystal 320 x 240 dots 4 gradations |
User memory | Approximately 650K bytes | About 600K bytes |
Size (W x D x H) | 245 x 120 x 24.5 mm | 171 x 101 x 21 mm |
Weight (including batteries) | 550g | 300g |
standard price | 78,000 yen | 65,000 yen |
Power supply | 2 AA alkaline batteries | 〃 |
work time | About 30 hours | About 40 hours |
coron's Source - 全国 generated by Nordot
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