Letter-sized notebook that combines portability and functionalityAnnounced on April 24, '96 Price: 398,000 yen (WinBook Bird 100) -488,000 yen (W...
Letter-sized notebook that combines portability and functionality
Announced on April 24, ’96
Price: 398,000 yen (WinBook Bird 100) -488,000 yen (WinBook Bird 133G)
Set with base station is 50,000 yen each High
base station alone is 58,000 yen
Inquiries: Sotec Co., Ltd. Sales Department Tel.045-661-7355
Sotec announced on April 24th the WinBird series, which can function as a multimedia notebook by combining it with a base station while maintaining portability, and will ship from mid-May. Three models are available depending on the difference in CPU and HDD.
[Features of WinBook Bird body]
- Pentium CPU (100 is 100MHz, 133 / 133G is 133MHz)
- Mobile Triton chipset adopted
- A keyboard with a 19mm key pitch similar to that of a desktop computer
- 11.3 inch 800 x 600 TFT color LCD
- Large-capacity lithium-ion battery that can operate for 3 to 9 hours
- Sound Blaster Pro compatible sound source
- US letter size (280 x 216 mm) body. Thickness is 39mm
- 2Kg including battery
- Large-capacity HDD (810MB for 100/133, 1.35GB for 133G)
- Pointing device is a glide point
- Built-in 28.8Kbps modem (optional)
For office use, a base station is provided and can be used as a space-saving desktop or presentation system.
[Features of base station]
- Port duplicator function
- 3 mode FDD
- 10BASE-T connector
- 6x speed CD-ROM drive
- Stereo speakers with super woofer
- Joystick / MIDI combined port
A set of base station and main unit is also available, which is 8,000 yen cheaper than purchasing them separately.
coron's Source - 全国 generated by Nordot
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