Compatible with Windows 95 / NT A standard digital video editing software '96 / 5/21 release releaseStandard price: 100,000 yen Publisher: A...
Compatible with Windows 95 / NT
A standard digital video editing software
’96 / 5/21 release release
Standard price: 100,000 yen
Adobe Systems Co., Ltd.
System Software
Co., Ltd. Tel.092-752-5264 Software Two Co., Ltd.
Tel.03-3797-9721 Media Vision
Co., Ltd. Tel.03-3222-6841 Co., Ltd. ) Otsuka Shokai Tel. 03-5281-0733
Adobe Systems Co., Ltd. announced that it will release Adobe Premiere 4.2J digital video creation software in July. 4.0J users can upgrade for 10,000 yen, and Japanese users before 4.0J can upgrade for 25,000 yen.
[Features of Premier 4.2J]
- 32-bit application compatible with Windows 95 / NT 3.51 and version 4.0J for Windows 3.1 included
- Added 5 filters: “Camera View”, “Lens Distortion”, “Mosaic”, “Strobe”, and “Audio Swap”
- Batch processing and background processing for creating multiple movies is possible
- Compatible with Intel Indeo Interactive and QuickTime 2.1 for Windows
- Bundle VDO Live from VDOnet and publish videos on the Internet
- Bundled with limited edition Photoshop “Adobe Photoshop LE-J”
coron's Source - 全国 generated by Nordot
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