[caption id="attachment_4408" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Notice of EPYC (development code name: Milan) adopted by Zen 3[/caption]AMD Preside...
AMD President and Chief Executive Officer Lisa Su will be speaking at the CES 2021 keynote, which was released on the 13th (local time). Among them, we announced EPYC (codename: Milan), a processor for servers that adopted the Zen 3 architecture.
It is touted as the world’s fastest X86 server processor and is designed on the assumption that it will be used in cloud services. It reduces TCO with high performance and excellent power efficiency, and is equipped with the latest security technology.
As a performance preview, it was revealed that the 32-core Milan is 68% faster than the 28-core Xeon Gold 6258R in the 2.5km square weather prediction process.
EPYC is for servers, but since the processor “Ryzen Threadripper” for enthusiasts with almost the same configuration has been introduced, I would like to expect that as a consumer.
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