The Internet strategy to be given as a keynote speech on the first day of the opening is revealed At the World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC) of A...
The Internet strategy to be given as a keynote speech on the first day of the opening is revealed
At the World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC) of Apple Computer, Inc., which began on May 13 in San Jose, California, the company’s CEO Gilbert Amelio gave a keynote speech, and the company’s business performance is worried about deterioration. He talked about the future and the Internet strategy.
[Outline of keynote speech]
- It will undergo structural reforms and will be divided into eight divisions (official name undecided): AppleSoft, AppleNet, Macintosh, Advanced Technology Group, Information Appliances, Alternative Platforms, Imaging, and Apple Assist.
- Halve the current product lineup within a year
- The rumored truncation of low-priced machines is denied. Rather, the minimum mounted RAM will be raised from the current 8M (standard in the United States etc.) to 12M soon, and the price will remain unchanged, aiming to further strengthen the competitiveness of low-priced machines.
- Regarding the company’s next-generation operating system (OS) Copland, a provisional release called Codename Harmony, which introduced some of Copland’s functions into System 7.5, may be released early next year. Suggested sex.
After Amelio outlined the Internet strategy, Larry Tesler, Vice President of Internet, gave a lecture on the details.
[Summary of Larry Tesler Lecture]
- Under the leadership of Apple, the company will focus on technology development related to authoring, clients, servers, and content creation in collaboration with third parties based on the company’s OpenDoc and QuickTime technologies.
- Bundles Apple’s Internet Suit Cyberdog with several models. In addition, we will actively promote the localization of Cyberdog. The beginning is the Japanese version scheduled to be released this summer.
- The Apple version of Pippin Internet will go on sale in the United States on May 15th, entering the $ 500 device market.
- In addition, although there is no official announcement from Netscape Communications at present, it was also announced that the company announced OpenDoc support at the conference and released the Navigator of the OpenDoc version.
At the end of the lecture, students from California presented and demonstrated Cocoa, a development tool for children. This tool is scheduled to be officially released this fall as a plugin for Netscape Navigator, allowing children to create applications on the Internet.
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