Performa series that makes it easy to connect to the Internet, even easier for beginners to use and powerful Announced on May 28, '96 Standard...
Performa series that makes it easy to connect to the Internet, even easier for beginners to use and powerful
Announced on May 28, ’96
Standard price: Macintosh Performa 5260, 5270, 5410, 5420
all open price
Contact: Apple Customer Assistance Center
Tel.0120-61-5800 / Fax.0120-62-5800
Apple Computer Co. , Ltd. announced a new product in the Macintosh Performa series on May 28th. There are four new products, Performa 5260/5270 for the home market and 5410/5420 for business use.
The new Performa is designed to be even easier for beginners to use, such as making it possible to print out simply by connecting a printer cable. In addition to Internet software such as Netscape Navigator and Eudora Pro, ClarisWorks, addressing software, English-Japanese dictionary, etc. are included as standard.
The main difference is that the 5260/5270 for home use uses the PowerPC 603e (100MHz) as the CPU, and the 5270 is equipped with a video input and TV tuner as standard.
The 5410/5420 is equipped with a PowerPC 603e (120MHz) CPU and has one PCI bus slot to provide performance that can be used for business purposes. The 5420 is equipped with a video input, TV / FM radio tuner, and 256KB of secondary cache memory.
The 5420 has adopted the first black housing for the domestic market, and is likely to attract the attention of Macintosh fans.
[Features of new Macintosh Performa products]
- Size / Weight: 445 x 383 x 406 mm / 21.2 kg
- Memory: 16MB SIMM x 1 (5260/5270), 8MB onboard, 8MB DIMM x 1 (5410/5420)
- Maximum memory: 64MB (5260/5270), 136MB (5410/5420)
- HDD: 800MB (5260), 1.2GB (5270), 1.6GB (5410/5420)
- Expansion slot: LC III PDS slot x 1 (5260/5270), PCI slot x 1 (5410/5420)
- Communication slot: Communication slot x 1 (5260/5270), Communication slot II x 1 (5410/5420)
- Video input (5260, 5410 are optional), TV tuner (other than 5270 is optional), TV / FM radio tuner (other than 5420 is optional)
- FAX modem: Built-in as standard, 28.8Kbps
- 5260 Included Software: Freddi Fish, Grandma and Me, Quick English Jr.3, Spin Doctor, Thinkin’Things
- 5270 included software: Kid Pix Studio, Making Music, Quick English Jr.3, Spin Doctor, Stradi Wakius, Thinking’Things, VideoShop
- 5410 Attached software: AI Shogi, Claris Impact, Transfer Information, Planet Arizona, Stradi Wakius, T. Break
- 5420 Included Software: Art School, Making Music, Transfer Information, Planet Arizona, T. Break, Level Assault II, MoviePaint, QT Album, VideoShop
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