This is the big site of the hot new exhibition hall. The venue was also used at "Communication Tokyo" the other day, but there are many places to eat...
This is the big site of the hot new exhibition hall. The venue was also used at “Communication Tokyo” the other day, but there are many places to eat, so it seems convenient. The business show used the eastern venue, but it is spacious and easy to move around.
However, transportation is weak. There is also a new transportation system “Yurikamome” from Shimbashi, but the number of people that can be carried at one time is small, and it was crowded even today on the day of the invitation. You can also go by the course of Yurakucho-Shinkiba-International Exhibition Hall.
Even so, this Big Sight looks strange when viewed from a distance.
Since “Yurikamome” is an automatic operation, a strict glass door is attached to the station, and the glass door on the station side opens at the same time as the car body door opens. The station staff is not monitoring it, so I feel a little scared when the area around the door is crowded and clogged. The ticket is worthy of the name, with a blue background and a white seagull picture.
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