For some reason, a DOS / V personal computer assembly course was being held at a business show. There is also an exhibition of cases by domestic vendo...
For some reason, a DOS / V personal computer assembly course was being held at a business show. There is also an exhibition of cases by domestic vendors.
Personal Business Assist schedules a “PC / LAN assembly demonstration”. This was surprisingly crowded, and a wild explainer (pictured) stood on the podium and said, “With this equipment, you can easily make cables. I forgot the connector. Dokandokan (the sound of dropping things). The explanation and demonstration were also wild. I think Melco is doing the same thing, but this one feels systematic and smart. However, it seems a little surprising to come to the business show and assemble a personal computer.
Techno Bird Japan exhibited cases that make PCs happy. They also lined up accessories such as mice, and stuck the “OEM available” tag on the wall. There is also a dedicated booth for Taiwanese manufacturers, and there are plenty of parts for self-made groups, so that is the “Taiwan booth edition”.

coron's Source - 全国 generated by Nordot
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