I haven't been to the business show for a long time, but when did the booth specializing in Taiwan start? .. Although there was a booth where Tai...
I haven’t been to the business show for a long time, but when did the booth specializing in Taiwan start? ..
Although there was a booth where Taiwanese manufacturers gathered in this way, when compared to the booths of other glittering domestic manufacturers, it was very plain and generally a little inconspicuous. Of course, there is no other booth where only the CPU cooler was exhibited.
SYNTRAN color fax. In short, the main body is an image like a scanner + modem, and printing requires connecting a color printer to the outside. After all, they were in English, so I had a hard time getting print samples and materials …
Some manufacturers exhibited only CPU fans. This blue heatsink is an air-cooled heatsink for the Pentium Pro. I’m a little worried about whether it’s air-cooled and durable to cool the Pentium Pro. The green fan is from another manufacturer and is for Pentium. If you sell this in Japan, I think it will sell reasonably well in Akihabara. It may be good to have a spot sale on the last day.
QTRONIX exhibited the keyboard and mouse. The strange keyboards in this photo are all Japanese keyboards. Perhaps this will be sold soon. I wanted to confirm, but I couldn’t communicate with the other party at all. Tohoho.
coron's Source - 全国 generated by Nordot
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