Standard price: 43,000 yen Contact: Camon Music Co., Ltd. Tokyo TEL.03-3258-1934 Osaka TEL.06-309-3836 Camon Music Co., Ltd. has released "...
Standard price: 43,000 yen
Camon Music Co., Ltd.
Tokyo TEL.03-3258-1934
Osaka TEL.06-309-3836
Camon Music Co., Ltd. has released “Recomposer for Windows 95”, a standard software for DTM software for Windows 95. The recomposer is a step input (numerical input) type music production software, and is widely used in DTM and karaoke production sites.
This version of Windows 95 is natively compatible with Windows 95 and has the following features.
- Achieves up to 99 tracks / data capacity of 1.6 million steps
- Supports simultaneous output of 16 channels x 4 ports
- Achieve stable performance by adopting stream API
- Supports Windows 95 extensions such as long file name support / use of various property sheets
- Variable time base adopted, selectable from 48/60/80/96/120/160/240/480
- Uses an online manual that is easy to search by purpose of use
Operating environment
- Supported OS: Microsoft Windows95
- Main unit: Computer that runs Windows 95 comfortably 486SX-33MHz or higher CPU (Pentium recommended)
- Memory: 16MB or more (32MB or more recommended)
- Hard disk: 10MB or more free space (for installation)
- CD-ROM drive: Required for setup (FD media is provided separately for 5,000 yen)
coron's Source - 全国 generated by Nordot
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