Last year's sales performance was mainly due to the delay in launching laptops, which was below the initial schedule. Epson Direct "Endeavo...
Last year’s sales performance
was mainly due to the delay in launching laptops, which was below the initial schedule.
Epson Direct “Endeavor NT-600” laptop released
’96 / 5/15 Presentation held
Standard price:
133MHz 285,000 yen ~
100MHz 220,000 yen ~
Epson Direct Co. , Ltd. has added two new models to the notebook computer “Endeavor NT-600” and revealed the sales results of last year and the outlook for this year.
[Endeavor NT-600 specifications]
- CPU is Pentium 133 or 100MHz
- TFT color liquid crystal (133MHz), DSTN color liquid crystal (100MHz). Both display SVGA (800 x 600 dots)
- Size: 292 x 220 x 45 mm Approx. 2.7 kg
- RAM 8MB (up to 40MB)
- C & T 65548 Graphic Chip & 1MB RAM
- Built-in 3.5 inch FDD
- Equipped with a cooling fan on the back
The results report of Epson Direct, which was revealed on the day, is as follows.
- Last year’s shipments were about 35,000 units (40% desktop, 25% tower, 25% integrated, 10% notebook), which was less than the originally planned 50,000 units.
- Compared to the actual 25,000 units in 1994, it was 140% of the previous year, but profits fell from a large surplus in 1994 to almost even.
- The main reasons for the decline in profits are the sluggish sales of notebooks, which was 36% in 1994, and the sluggish market for companies.
- In 1996, we will change our sales strategy and aim to develop high-value-added products unique to direct sales and strengthen the notebook field.
coron's Source - 全国 generated by Nordot
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