Approximately 3 cm thick , equipped with 12.1 inch TFT LCD, full size keyboard '96 / 5/21 (local time) News release released Standard pric...
Approximately 3 cm thick , equipped with 12.1 inch TFT LCD, full size keyboard
’96 / 5/21 (local time) News release released
Standard price: $ 2,699 ~
IBM, Inc. announced the ThinkPad 560, a high-cost performance notebook computer equipped with an ultra-thin, large LCD and full-size keyboard.
Three models of Pentium 100/120 / 133MHz are available, and the price starts from $ 2,699 (about 286,000 yen). 100 / 120MHz will be shipped from 28th this month, and 133MHz will be shipped in July. It has proportions and performance comparable to DEC’s Hi-Note Ultra series, but at a low price, and I would like to expect it to be released in Japan.
[Features of ThinkPad 560]
- Size: 8.7 “x 11.7” x 1.2 “(about 22 x 29.7 x 3 cm), 4.1 lbs (about 1.85 kg)
- 12.1 inch TFT SVGA liquid crystal (Pentium 100MHz model only 11.3 inch DSTN liquid crystal)
- Full size keyboard
- PCI architecture
- 810MB or 1.08GB HDD
- 8MB RAM (40MB maximum expansion)
- Lithium Ion Battery
coron's Source - 全国 generated by Nordot
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