'96 / 5/16 News release released Standard price: 7,800 yen Contact: Megasoft Information Center Tel.06-386-2072 Megasoft will release the digita...
’96 / 5/16 News release released
Standard price: 7,800 yen
Megasoft Information Center Tel.06-386-2072 Megasoft will release the digital album software “Pinup Memories” on June 28th. The price is 7,800 yen.
”Pin up Memories” saves bitmaps, sounds, etc. in album format and is automatically sorted by date. A slide show display is also possible.
In addition, it is equipped with a database of more than 5,000 items provided by the Mainichi Shimbun, and can be compared with family events.
”Pinup Memories” is provided on CD-ROM and is compatible with three platforms of Windows 3.1 / 95 / Macintosh.
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