TA synchronization 64kbps with inexpensive DSU for 49,800 yen , analog 1 port'96 / 5/15 News release releasedStandard price: TA-B64DSU 4...
synchronization 64kbps with inexpensive DSU for 49,800 yen , analog 1 port
’96 / 5/15 News release released
Standard price:
TA-B64DSU 49,800 yen
Contact: IO DATA DEVICE INC. New product information window Tel.072-60-1024
IO DATA DEVICE INC. Announces low-priced synchronous 64kbps compatible TA “TA-B64DSU” with built-in DSU It will be shipped from the end of May.
Although the TA-B64DSU is a 64kbps compatible DSU built-in machine, it has an epoch-making price of 49,800 yen, which is less than 50,000 yen, and the actual price is expected to be about 40,000 yen.
【Major features】
- Equipped with synchronous / asynchronous conversion function, synchronous 64kbps communication is possible (asynchronous up to 38.4k)
- 1 analog port
- Built-in DSU, no need to purchase separately, no leasing fee required. Construction costs are also cheaper
- Internet Explorer 2.0J, Windows 95 configuration file included
- Includes RS-232C cable for PC98 and conversion adapter for DOS / V machine
- We have prepared an access point that can be accessed free of charge with ISDN, although the limit is 30 minutes (however, the access point is currently only in Kanazawa, and will be added)
View the product introduction page of IO DATA DEVICE (updated 5/23)
coron's Source - 全国 generated by Nordot
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