Started operation from May 20 Input with push button '96 / 5/17 News release released Inquiries regarding operation: Justsystem Support Center...
Started operation from May 20
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’96 / 5/17 News release released
Inquiries regarding operation:
Support Center Secretariat
Tel. 0886-55-8123 (Tokushima) / 03-5412-3987 (Tokyo) Justsystem Co., Ltd. will provide a voice response system to the User Support Center from May 20th. Introduce.
This means that the voice guidance system receives a call from the user, and the appropriate person in charge is called according to the items entered by the user with the pushphone button.
In addition, we will issue a question number for problems that have not been solved at once. By entering the number next time, it is possible to identify the question contents and responders managed in the database and respond efficiently.
In addition, JustSystems plans to increase the number of support centers in Tokyo, which opened in May, to 50 by the end of June to prepare for Ichitaro 7, which is scheduled to be released in July.
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