Compatible with Windows NT Server 3.51 Japanese version Announced on May 2, '96 Microsoft Co., Ltd. released the Japanese version of the In...
Compatible with Windows NT Server 3.51 Japanese version
Announced on May 2, ’96
Microsoft Co., Ltd. released the Japanese version of the Internet WWW server software “Internet Information Server (IIS)” compatible with the Japanese version of its Windows NT Server 3.51 free of charge from May 2. It is already available for download from the company’s WWW site.
IIS is software that adds Internet server functions to Windows NT Server 3.51 and has the functions required for WWW servers such as Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Common Gateway Interface (CGI), as well as Internet Server API (ISAPI) and It offers unique new features such as security integrated with Windows NT Server.
The English version of IIS was already provided free of charge from February this year, but in the Japanese version, each server of WWW, FTP and Gopher, WWW browser “Internet Explorer”, database connection utility “Internet Database Connector”, All management tools and manuals are in Japanese.
The package is divided for each CPU that supports Windows NT, and Intel, Alpha, MIPS, and Power PC versions are available (13 to 14 MB each). In addition, only the Intel version has a reduced version (about 3MB) that does not include Internet Explorer.
A packaged version of IIS is also available and will be shipped from May 31st.
- “Microsoft Internet Information Server 1.0” 12,000 yen
- “Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.51 10 Client Network Value Pack” 168,000 yen
- “Microsoft Internet Information Server 1.0 Manual Set” 2,000 yen
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