17-inch monitor RG17GXII set Pentium 166MHz equipped model also appeared'96 / 5/23 News release released Standard price: Open price Contact...
17-inch monitor RG17GXII set
Pentium 166MHz equipped model also appeared
’96 / 5/23 News release released
Standard price: Open price
Mitsubishi Personal Computer Information Center
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Mitsubishi Electric Corporation will add four models to the all-in-one personal computer “apricot MS540” for the personal market and will release it from June 1st.
Taking the strongest model C as an example, IO data “ACCELA64V GA-968V2 / PCI”, 17-inch diamond tron monitor “RD17GXII”, etc. are set in the main body of Pentium 166MHz, RAM 16MB, HDD 1.7GB. It has an attractive structure. There is also a CZ model with the same specifications and no monitor.
The pre-installed software is as good as this type of model, but it is rare that Sega’s “Virtua Fighter PC” is included.
coron's Source - 全国 generated by Nordot
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