Compact and lightweight digital camera Low price, high image quality of 410,000 pixelsAnnounced on May 13, '96 Standard price: DC-2 69,800 ye...
Compact and lightweight digital camera
Low price, high image quality of 410,000 pixels
Announced on May 13, ’96
Standard price:
DC-2 69,800 yen
DC-2L 85,800 yen
Ricoh Co., Ltd. announced the digital camera “Ricoh DC-2” and “Ricoh DC-2L”, which is a package of LCD monitor in DC-2, and will be released on June 29 (photo is DC-2L). Monthly sales are planned to be 7,000 units.
[Characteristics of DC-2 / 2L]
- Compact and lightweight with a size of 143 x 36 x 76 mm and a weight of 285 g
- High image quality with 410,000 pixels (effective 380,000 pixels) 1/4 inch CCD and full frame shooting
- Uses a 35mm and 55mm 2-focus switching lens when converted to a 35mm film camera
- Built-in strobe in the main body
- Voice memo recording is possible
- Equipped with 2MB of flash memory inside the main body. Up to 38 shots can be taken.
- Equipped with PCMCIA TYPE2 slot, up to 422 shots can be taken using the optional 20MB flash memory
- Data transfer is PC card or serial
- The data format is unique and can be converted to BMP, JPEG, GIF, AVI, etc. with the included utility.
- An LCD monitor is available as an option. Standard equipment on DC-2L
- Power supply is AA alkaline or nickel hydrogen (secondary battery)
- Remote control shooting / playback is possible with the optional remote control
coron's Source - 全国 generated by Nordot
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