Colorized, 32-bit CPU, Internet-connected digital camera card-equipped models are also available 96 / 5/9 presentationStandard price: LCD pen...
Colorized, 32-bit CPU, Internet-connected
digital camera card-equipped models are also available
Standard price:
LCD pencom “Color Zaurus”
MI-10 120,000 yen
MI-10DC 155,000 yen
Digital camera card CE-AG02 35,000 yen
PC cooperation software “Zaurus Connection”
MI-ZC1 10,000 yen
Contact: Sharp Corporation Consumer Center
West Japan Counseling Office Tel.06-621-4649
East Japan Counseling Office Tel.043-297-4649
Sharp Corporation announced the higher version “Color Zaurus” of Zaurus, which will be released on June 25th. I’m planning a day.
The Color Zaurus is a model that greatly expands the Zaurus in the multimedia direction, and is not only colorized, but also has greatly enhanced image, sound, and communication functions. Two models, MI-10 and MI-10DC, are available, and the only difference is the presence or absence of a digital still camera card.
Since its launch in October 1993, the Zaurus series has shipped 900,000 units in Japan and 170,000 units overseas. Color Zaurus is scheduled to ship 30,000 units every month, and 530,000 units are scheduled to be shipped domestically in 1996, including conventional models. The overseas shipment of Color Zaurus is undecided.
The conventional Zaurus series will also be sold together.
[Characteristics of Color Zaurus]
- Equipped with a 5-inch TFT color LCD. 320 x 240 dots 65,536 colors can be displayed
- Equipped with a pen-operable WWW browser. Supports HTML 2.0 + background GIF, centering, and table (partial). VGA size (640 x 480 dots) screen can be reduced and displayed. 8/12/16 dot fonts are available, and the fonts will not be difficult to read even when reduced. Equipped with a 500KB cache, you can browse the cache contents even offline
- When you insert a digital camera card, it becomes a digital still camera. Images can be sent by MIME format email
- Fax has a receiving function and can be sent and received.
- Batch conversion of handwritten characters is possible
- “Voice memo function” that allows you to record in a short time. Can be sent as multimedia mail in MIME format
- 32bit RISC CPU adopted
- Infrared communication supports IrDA in addition to conventional ASK
- Equipped with one PCMCIA TYPE II slot
- Main memory is 2MB flash memory
- Size: 175 x 104 x 30 mm, weight about 490 g
coron's Source - 全国 generated by Nordot
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