Announcement of news release dated April 25, '96 Contact: Apple JDC Secretariat Tel. 03-3263-2386 Fax. 03-3263-4331 Apple Computer Co., Ltd...
Announcement of news release dated April 25, ’96
Apple JDC Secretariat
Tel. 03-3263-2386
Fax. 03-3263-4331
Apple Computer Co., Ltd. will hold the “’96 Japan Developers Conference (JDC)” at the Tokyo Bay Hilton Hotel (Urayasu City, Chiba Prefecture) on July 9th and 10th.
JDC aims to provide the latest technical information to domestic developers, and this year, which is the 7th time, the latest information on OpenDoc, Cyberdog, Power PC platform, etc. will be provided centering on the next-generation OS “Copland”. plans.
The JDC homepage has also been set up, and online registration is also possible. The participation fee is 90,000 yen for individuals and 80,000 yen for groups of 3 or more people. The deadline is June 28th. Please see the homepage for details.
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