Announcement of news release dated April 25, '96 Contact: Apple System Engineering Secretariat Tel. 03-5800-6577 Fax. 011-746-6335 Email webm...
Announcement of news release dated April 25, ’96
Apple System Engineering Secretariat
Tel. 03-5800-6577
Fax. 011-746-6335
From April 30, Apple Computer Co., Ltd. opened the homepage of the membership support system “Apple System Engineering Program” (abbreviation: SE Program) for SEs of corporate information systems .
In the past, technical information was provided through commercial BBS and paper media, but by moving to the WWW on the Internet, it has become possible to provide it in a more understandable form. In addition, a Q & A service within 24 hours by e-mail will be launched.
As a general rule, you can participate in the SE program if you belong to a corporation (software house, SI / VAR, corporate user) that designs, builds, and operates the system. It is divided according to the service content, and the annual membership fee is 80,000 yen for Standard and 150,000 yen for Advanced. There is no admission fee for both.
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