Easy to install on the Internet Pack the required software '96 / 5/24 News release distributionStandard price: 7,500 yen Contact: Apple Cust...
Easy to install on the Internet
Pack the required software
’96 / 5/24 News release distribution
Standard price: 7,500 yen
Apple Customer Assistance Center Tel.0120-61-5800 / Fax.0120-62-5800
Apple Computer Co. , Ltd. has announced the “Apple Internet Starter Kit” (hereinafter referred to as “Starter Kit”), an introductory package for the Internet. It will be released from the beginning of July via the distributor of Clarice Co., Ltd.
The starter kit packages a set of software required to access the Internet on a Macintosh and automatically configures the settings required for access. There is also a provider registration page where you can sign up for multiple providers online on the Internet, so you can easily sign up on the spot.
[Attached software]
- Apple Internet Dialer
- Apple Internet Status
- Netscape Navigator 1.12I [ja] (planned to upgrade 2.0I [ja])
- Eudora Pro 2.1.3-j
- Fetch 3.0.1
- News Watcher -j16
- Stuffit Expander 3.5.2
- QTVR Player 1.0
- Mac PPP 2.5
coron's Source - 全国 generated by Nordot
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