There is also an internet navigation tool scheduler function '96 / 5/24 News release releasedStandard price: 19,800 yen Contact: Seiwa Systems...
There is also an internet navigation tool scheduler function
’96 / 5/24 News release released
Standard price: 19,800 yen
Seiwa Systems Co., Ltd. Tel. 03-5352-7818
Seiwa Systems Co., Ltd. announced the Internet navigation software “Web Arranger 2.0 Japanese version” for Macintosh, which will be released from the middle of June. Web Arranger is a Japanese version of the US CE software product, which automatically downloads the WWW update page and updates the information. The updated information can be viewed offline in a browser such as Netscape Navigator.
You can also keep a history of access and return to the WWW site when needed.
It also has functions such as importing Netscape Navigator bookmarks and supporting Macintosh Internet Config.
In addition, although it is a little mysterious, it has an information management function that corresponds to so-called PIM, and has functions such as daily appointments, schedule management, project management, and label printing.
It is a product that interests how the WWW management function and the PIM part are integrated.
【Operating environment】
- KanjiTalk 7.1 or later
- Supported memory: 12MB or more
- HDD required capacity: Approximately 4MB
coron's Source - 全国 generated by Nordot
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