Broadcast some events on WWW Apple Computer, Inc. will hold a developer convention "Apple World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC)" in San Jose, Calif...
Broadcast some events on WWW
Apple Computer, Inc. will hold a developer convention “Apple World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC)” in San Jose, California from May 13th to 17th.
WWDC aims to provide developers with the latest technical information, and this time around the next-generation OS “Copland”, the latest information on OpenDoc, Cyberdog, Power PC platform, etc. will be provided.
In addition, the pattern of WWDC will be published on WWW under the name of “WWDC WebCast”. The broadcast schedule has not yet been announced, but important events such as the keynote speech by Apple CEO Amelio are expected to be broadcast simultaneously using QuickTime TV, QuickTime VR, QuickTime, and Real Audio. ..
Also, from May 6th, a week before the meeting begins, pre-events will be held, including chats with developers and Apple executives.
The Japanese version of WWDC “’96 Japan Developers Conference (JDC)” will also be held at the Tokyo Bay Hilton Hotel (Urayasu City, Chiba Prefecture) on July 9th and 10th. The discount period for early registration has been extended until May 15th, so apply early.
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WWDC WebCast (English) View information on
“’96 Japan Developers Conference (JDC)”
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