Finally officially announced Apple Computer, Inc. of the United States has agreed on May 6 to license Mac OS, its operating system (OS), to IBM, Inc....
Finally officially announced
Apple Computer, Inc. of the United States has agreed on May 6 to license Mac OS, its operating system (OS), to IBM, Inc. of the United States.
This license is similar to what Apple agreed with Motorola in the United States in February, including 16 sublicense rights that IBM can license to a third party, as well as 16 including Japanese. It is extensive, including licenses for localized operating systems in the language.
With this agreement, IBM will not only be able to develop and sell Mac compatible machines, but will also be able to develop and sell the next-generation standard PowerPC Platform specification (CHRP) for multiple OS support on its own.
coron's Source - 全国 generated by Nordot
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