Invited days on 14th and 15th, open to the public on 16th and 17th at Tokyo Big Sight (Rinkai Subcenter)The companion wear seen at the exhibitio...
Invited days on 14th and 15th, open to the public on 16th and 17th at Tokyo Big Sight (Rinkai Subcenter)
The companion wear seen at the exhibition hall of the business show is the media that represents the booth and the company. This year, more booths are preparing tailor-made clothing to show the economic recovery. Many of the colors were gorgeous, which helped to boost the atmosphere of the show.
We would like to thank each manufacturer and companion for their cooperation in shooting. (Casio on the left in the photo)
Mobile phone / PHS related booth
Mobile phones and PHS were one of the highlights of this year’s business show, and each booth had a powerful exhibition, which was crowded with many people.
From the right, DDI POCKET, TU-KA Cellular, and NTT Docomo costumes. All of them are wearing vinyl costumes, which is the trend of companion wear this year, to create a sense of lightness and a sense of the future. At show venues with many footlights and spotlights, the reflective vinyl material is eye-catching.
Digital camera related booth
A booth displaying digital cameras, which is the trend of this year’s show, along with mobile phones and PHS.
The right end is Epson, and the two in the center and left are Ricoh booth costumes. This is also a vinyl type costume.
Wear that was noticeable at booths of other genres. From the right, Duplo, Map Japan, and Nifty. The style of Duplo’s shorts and high socks is common every year, but this year it was rather fresh.
coron's Source - 全国 generated by Nordot
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