Focus on Internet access Strengthen WWW browser Published in the news release on May 16, '96 Standard price: "Ichitaro 6.3" bundled product 40...
Focus on Internet access
Strengthen WWW browser
Published in the news release on May 16, ’96
Standard price:
“Ichitaro 6.3” bundled product
40,000 yen (CD-ROM)
48,000 yen (3.5 “FDD)
“JUSTSYSTEM Premium Set” bundled product
30,000 yen (CD-ROM only)
JustSystems Co., Ltd. bundles “Ichitaro Ver.6.3 for Windows” (hereinafter “Ichitaro”) with “Netscape Navigator Ver.2.01I [ja] (hereinafter Netscape)” from Netscape, Inc. Then announced.
In addition, Netscape is also bundled with the “JUSTSYSTEM Premium Pack Set” that includes Ichitaro, Hanako, and Just346, which will be released on June 7th. This is sold only as a special treatment for Ichitaro series users and as a transfer to word processor users made by other companies.
In the past, online sign-up to JustSystems’ network service “JustNet” could only be done with the WWW browser JustView attached to Ichitaro, but it will be possible to do it on Netscape as well.
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