Knowledge of Windows 95 is required to master the second Toys series following PowerToys '96 / 5/7 Published on the WebStandard price: ...
Knowledge of Windows 95 is required to master the second Toys series following PowerToys
’96 / 5/7 Published on the Web
Standard price: Free
* However, no support
Microsoft Corporation of the United States has released a collection of system software for Windows 95 “Kernel Toys” on its Web.
”Kernel Toys” is the second in the Toy series following PowerToys. Whereas the previous PowerToys was a collection of tools to make Windows 95 easier to use, KernelToys is a tool for power users and system administrators. Therefore, please note that some knowledge of Windows 95 is required to master these tools. It is not Date that the page says “Tools and Toys for Advanced Users”.
In addition, the Toys series is software that is released free of charge on the condition that it is “at your own risk”, and is not supported by telephone or the like. Also, since it is premised on the English version of Windows 95, it should be noted that there may be some problems with Japanese Windows 95.
Conventional Memory Tracker
vxd that reports the state of conventional memory in Windows 95. To install, you need to describe device in system.ini. When vxd of Conventional Memory Tracker is installed, a log file (CONVMEM.TXT) that saves the state of conventional memory is created in the Windows directory.
MS-DOS Mode Configuration Wizard Customization Tool
A tool for customizing the default Autoexec.bat and Config.sys in MS-DOS mode. Depending on the customization method, MS-DOS mode may not work properly, so please use it only if you have knowledge of MS-DOS mode.
Windows Time Zone Editor
A tool for editing Time Zone (Control Panel time and date). You can modify the current time zone or add a new time zone.
Windows 95 Keyboard Remap
A tool for remapping the Caps Lock, Shift, Alt, Windows, Menu keys, and more on your keyboard. Install with the included keyremap.inf. After installation, it can be used from the keyboard of the control panel. With this tool, you can switch the Shift and Ctrl keys, and so on. The only tool that is likely to be used by general users.
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