To commemorate the first anniversary of homepage creation , add-in software for Word and Excel to a total of 100 people '96 / 5/20 News r...
To commemorate the first anniversary of homepage creation
, add-in software for Word and Excel to a total of 100 people
’96 / 5/20 News release released
Contact: Diayes
Co., Ltd. AP Division
TEL 03-5814-2500
To commemorate the 1st anniversary of the opening of its website, Diayes Co., Ltd. will carry out a campaign to present its products to 100 people from June 1st to 31st.
The company’s products, “Ward-kun’s Wisdom Bag” and “Excel-kun’s Wisdom Bag,” will be offered to a total of 100 people.
For details, please refer to the following homepage of Diayes after June 1st.
[Characteristics of each product]
- <Word-kun’s Wisdom Bag 95> A
collection of add-in tools for using Microsoft Word 95, a word processor software from Microsoft Corporation. The standard price is 12,800 yen. - <Excel-kun’s Wisdom Bag 95> A
collection of add-in tools for using Microsoft Excel 95, a spreadsheet software from Microsoft Corporation. The standard price is 12,800 yen.
coron's Source - 全国 generated by Nordot
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