Established common specifications for Apple, IBM, Netscape, Oracle, and Sun More than 30 companies licensed Announced on May 20, '96 Oracle Corpo...
Established common specifications for Apple, IBM, Netscape, Oracle, and Sun
More than 30 companies licensed
Announced on May 20, ’96
Oracle Corporation of the United States made a new announcement about Network Computer (NC), and announced the partners involved in the usage decision and the licensors involved in manufacturing and sales.
The NC standard specifications are called “NC Reference Profile 1” and are specified by Apple, IBM, Netscape, Oracle, and Sun. Names such as Akai Electric, Funai Electric, IDEA, Olivetti, Uniden, Wyse Technology, Inc. are mentioned as NC manufacturers.
In addition, Oracle will newly establish Network Computer as a subsidiary, and will develop software and license technology here.
IBM also attended a press conference in San Francisco and announced that it would announce a $ 500- $ 1,000 corporate NC later this year. This matter was mentioned in this magazine’s column “Hiroshige Goto’s Weekly Overseas News” at the stage of Monday, but a special article will be published within a day or two after the official announcement. Please look forward to it.
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