Popular thin notebooks released in Japan Ensure strength with awareness of mobile phones '96 / 5/28 Presentation heldStandard price: 2640-FJE...
Popular thin notebooks released in Japan
Ensure strength with awareness of mobile phones
Standard price:
2640-FJE 598,000 yen (starting shipping on
6/28 ) 2640-FJD 598,000 yen (starting shipping on
6/28 ) 2640-EJA 498,000 yen (starting shipping on
5/28 ) 2640-EJ9 498,000 yen (6 / 28th shipping start)
2640-5JA 378,000 yen (5/28 shipping start) 2640-5J9 378,000 yen (
6/28 shipping start)
(FJE / EJA / 5JA is Windows 95 model, FJD / EJ9 / 5J9 is Windows 3.1 / OS / 2 model)
Dial IBM Tel.0120-04-1992
IBM Japan is, prior announcement in the United States had been announced in the country a thin notebook PC “ThinkPad 560”.
The 560 is a notebook that aims to achieve both portability and operability by housing an 800 x 600 dot LCD and a full-key pitch keyboard in a thin A4 file size body of about 3 cm. The specifications are almost the same as the US specifications, and only the keyboard has been changed to a Japanese 106-key type 89 k keyboard, but a model equipped with an English 101-key type keyboard is also available as a made-to-order product.
Three models are available depending on the difference in CPU, LCD, and HDD. All prices are open prices.
- 2640-5J9 / A Pentium 100MHz 11.3 inch DSTN LCD 810MB
- 2640-EJ9 / A Pentium 120MHz 12.1 inch TFT LCD 810MB
- 2640-FJE / D Pentium 133MHz 12.1 inch TFT LCD 1.08GB
As an option, a port replicator is also available, including a keyboard, mouse port, and FDD connector.
[Specifications of ThinkPad 560]
- RAM: 8MB (up to 40MB)
- Body size: 297 x 222 x 31 mm
- Weight: 1.9Kg (including battery pack)
- FDD: External
- PC card slot: TYPE2 x 2 or TYPE3 x 1
- Video chip: Trident Cyber 9385 (RAM1MB)
- Pointing device: TrackPoint3
- Main I / F: Serial x 1, Parallel x 1, Mouse & keyboard combined x 1, VGA x 1, IrDA x 1, Sound input / output mini plug x 1 each
- Battery: Lithium ion
- Battery operating time: Approximately 3 hours
coron's Source - 全国 generated by Nordot
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